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Tag: fruits

Accuracy: “Golden” fruits and olive oil leave the field – What producer prices show TABLE
 – 2024-03-10 01:37:26

Accuracy: “Golden” fruits and olive oil leave the field – What producer prices show TABLE – 2024-03-10 01:37:26

You can read the full story here: Accuracy: “Golden” fruits and olive oil leave the field – What producer prices show TABLE
– 2024-03-10 01:37:26
The prices at which farmers sell their products in Greece started to decrease in the fourth quarter of 2023, after a prolonged period of large increases, with a significant delay compared to the Eurozone, where they had started to decrease significantly since the third quarter of 2023. However, they continued increases in basic products for … Read more

4 enzyme-rich, low-calorie fruits help reduce visceral fat

4 enzyme-rich, low-calorie fruits help reduce visceral fat

If the human body lacks enzymes, it will cause organ metabolism disorders, accumulating a large amount of visceral fat, leading to obesity. Therefore, we need to supplement many types of enzymes to promote metabolism in the body. Below are some enzyme-rich, low-calorie fruits that help promote metabolism and reduce visceral fat. Some fruits can help […]
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The Importance of Food Choices for Heart Health: What to Eat and Avoid

The Importance of Food Choices for Heart Health: What to Eat and Avoid

What you eat every day plays an important role in your heart health Posted on 03.04.2024 at 10:05 Posted on 03.4.2024 at 10.05 Modified on 03.4.2024 at 10.22 Views 7 Colorful fruits and vegetables help promote heart health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Heart failure means that the heart’s ejection force (the strength to pump blood) is weak and cannot […]
The post The Importance of Food Choices for Heart Health: What to Eat and Avoid appeared first on News Directory 3.

Top 10 Benefits of Eating Green Olives for a Healthy Body: Jordan’s Olive Industry on the Rise

Top 10 Benefits of Eating Green Olives for a Healthy Body: Jordan’s Olive Industry on the Rise

Jordan is considered among the ten largest olive-producing countries in the world. Olive trees occupy 130,000 hectares of the country’s total land. Olive cultivation in Jordan is witnessing great development, with more than 20 million olive trees throughout the Kingdom. Green olives are one of the most prominent types of fruits that many people prefer, … Read more
You can read the full story here: Top 10 Benefits of Eating Green Olives for a Healthy Body: Jordan’s Olive Industry on the Rise .

Very easy to make platter candy

Very easy to make platter candy

2024-03-01 17:28:50 This platter bonbon is likely to be one of those desserts that is capable of pleasing everyone. Furthermore, it is very easy to make and allows you to vary the fruits, even if the combination with grapes is one of the best! Grape candy on the platter This simple dessert is made by … Read more
You can read the full story here: Very easy to make platter candy.